Project Successes

Over the years ADVANCED Motion Controls has been involved with hundreds of applications at universities and educational institutions. Some of the outstanding research and educational projects are featured here.

California State University Chico – Scalable Vehicle Platform

Chico Scalable Vehicle Platform Info Box

From Concept to Commissioning Students at California State University, Chico, designed a versatile and scalable vehicle that starts with precision agricultural spraying but aims to push the boundaries of what’s possible. Along the way, these students gained hands-on experience and technical expertise that will empower them to excel in real-world engineering and innovation roles after California State University Chico – Scalable Vehicle Platform


University of Rhode Island – Inverted Pendulum

Uri Inverted Pendulum Info Box

Balancing the Unbalanced: The Story of the Inverted Pendulum Project Ever seen a broom balanced on someone’s finger? That’s the vibe behind one of engineering’s trickiest and coolest challenges: the inverted pendulum. The inverted pendulum problem isn’t just a balancing act-it’s a prime example of real-world control systems, teaching budding engineers how to stabilize things University of Rhode Island – Inverted Pendulum


Drives in use:

Penn State Altoona – Electric Drives Lab

Penn State Electric Drives Lab Info Box

Many engineering students graduate without really learning what a servo drive is (including, admittedly, the writer of this article). In an increasingly automated world, it’s important that the engineers of tomorrow are familiar with the technology that makes motion control work. Fortunately, more universities are starting to introduce drives into their engineering curriculum. Among these Penn State Altoona – Electric Drives Lab


Drives in use:

Penn State Altoona – Robotic Basketball Arm

Robotic Basketball Throwing Arm powered by Servo Drive

This writer has a confession: I can probably count the number of successful basketball shots I’ve made throughout my lifetime on my fingers and toes. Those few times I have however, I always think, “if only I could do it again just like that.” At Penn State Altoona, a group of students created a device Penn State Altoona – Robotic Basketball Arm


Drives in use:

Colorado School of Mines – Triaxial Helmholtz Coils

Colorado School of Mines - Triaxial Helmholtz Coils

The Triaxial Helmholtz Coil project by Samuel Osterhout from the Colorado School of Mines demonstrates and explores the physics that build the foundation of motion control technology. Our servo drives are key elements in very complex motion control systems. In the most isolated context, our products regulate current and voltage through wires based on command Colorado School of Mines – Triaxial Helmholtz Coils


Drives in use:

Université de Sherbrooke – Project ExodUS

Université de Sherbrooke - Project ExodUS

Some of the greatest heroes are those who step up in times of tragedy. In August of 2015, Didier Prince from the Université de Sherbrooke was surfing when the waves sent him tumbling violently through the water to the seabed, fracturing his fifth and sixth vertebrae on impact. This resulted in a spinal cord injury Université de Sherbrooke – Project ExodUS


Drives in use:

University of Colorado, Boulder – Project MACULA

University of Colorado, Boulder - Project MACULA

As a species, we’ve made enormous strides in the last 61 years to explore the cosmic space we live in. Our space probes have obtained wonderful photos of many of the celestial bodies in our solar system. The list of bodies on which we’ve actually landed spacecrafts, however, is very short. There have been soft University of Colorado, Boulder – Project MACULA


Drives in use:

Massachusetts Institute of Technology – The Flying Nimbus

Massachusetts Institute of Technology - The Flying Nimbus

One man’s trash is another man’s future self-balancing skateboard. After stumbling upon a collection of aluminum scrap around the MIT shops and visualizing a skateboard that he could actually ride, Dane Kouttron began developing the Flying Nimbus. Named after a rideable cloud from the Japanese anime series Dragon Ball Z, the Flying Nimbus is a Massachusetts Institute of Technology – The Flying Nimbus


Drives in use:

Rice University – Haptic Paddle

Rice University - Haptic Paddle

When done with the right tools, hands-on learning can be the best way to help students understand the given curriculum, especially in engineering fields. Since its development in 2006, the haptic paddle has become a staple element of Rice University’s Modeling Dynamic Systems course, taught by Dr. Marcia O’Malley. The haptic paddle is a simple, Rice University – Haptic Paddle


Drives in use:

University of Pennsylvania – RHex

University of Pennsylvania - RHex robot

RHex is a biologically inspired hexapedal robot invented and first characterized at the dawn of the century as part of a large DARPA funded consortium. A variety of RHex platforms have been developed since that time, and our lab has been particularly active in developing new versions for studying biologically inspired locomotion, gait control, and University of Pennsylvania – RHex


Drives in use: